Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 4 - Moeraki Boulders

The first thing I did after waking up was to check on the weather outside. Surprise, surprise... the sun came out finally after hiding for 2 days! THANK GOD! lol.. After checking out from our Oamaru motel, we drove to Moeraki Boulders, the naturally rounded shape boulders lying on the beach.

We walked towards the beach and saw this big group of family. I like the lighting and shadow formed at this scene.
The messy stuff on the beach are seaweed. It is unsightly but I read somewhere that many residents choose to leave it alone instead of cleaning it. The seaweed gets washed out to the ocean naturally. Something to do with letting nature run its course :P

Strolling along the beach towards the boulder

We parked too far from the boulder. So it's a bit of walking. I didn't quite mind actually. I was just simply glad that it wasn't raining anymore :P

Along the way, I spotted this father and son pair with their pet dog. I love how they interact. I quietly set my cam to drive mode and fire

The first boulder I encountered

I like the sun light, half hidden by the cloud. The boulder shines nicely :)

More boulders.. i thought they looked like some big tortoises back.. lol..

One lone white rock. Does this count? Guess not.. lol

A group of the boulders

By the time i walk to this part of the beach, my jeans are already drenched at the knee level. Too engrossed with the shooting.. haha.. Btw, some of the boulders were cracked. If you noticed, the rock on the far left are part of the cracked boulder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved the first pix!!